About Motormum

Meet the Family
As a mother of four I needed a car with seven seats, whilst searching for a Seven Seater Car I discovered that it was increasingly difficult to get a definitive list (from all manufacturers) not just those at the top of google. So after much deliberation I decided to start my own site listing 7 Seaters. This website has evolved into an all encompassing Family Car Website, rebranded as: Motormum.
The Team

I work with a variety of researches and content writers and am always looking for like minded individuals to become part of the team. If you believe you can contribute then please email me with a covering statement of how you are extra special and what you could contribute to the site. I am always looking for contributors and reviewers whether they are part time or ad hoc contributors.
Why was Motormum Created?

Motormum was created following an obsession with 7 Seater Cars, HTML and coding. The site started as a hobby and evolved into an obsession.
Our Aspirations

Motormum aspires to be the first port of call for parents, grandparents and all family members who are in need of motoring advice, solutions and information.
What business is Motormum in?

This site fits neatly into the Automobile Industry which includes vehicles, their parts, purchasing, hiring and whatever else related to motoring. Aggregated reviews, travelling information and some amazing motoring holiday itineries have also been included in the site (such as our trip to Legoland and London).
Our Mission Statement

The Motormum Company mission is to provide trouble-free, customer-focused, reliable, and affordable family motoring solutions. I (and we) research, collate and analyze family vehicle information, so that you do not have to! In short Motormum wants to be The Family Car Website.
My Family
My family consists of me and my husband and our four children. The older two children are now adults, with one working full time and the other studying at University. The younger two consist of a passionate footballer (13 year old boy) and a reading obsessed 12 year old girl.
My Family Car Choices
Once the fourth child came along we got through the following 7 Seater cars:
- Mitsubishi Spacewagen;
- Kia Carens - Older style;
- Honda FRV - two rows of three seats (6 seater);
- Kia Sorento - The newer model.
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